I find myself scouring the YWAM HOLA IG updates for sightings of Charlie (see images below). I have, though, been able to connect with him over the phone too. On our last phone call he asked about how to do some laundry (three weeks in it's about time!). In addition to the needs of sorting whites and darks (which I still do) he is learning so much. last week's focus was Listening for God's Voice. I am so glad for YWAM and their priority of learning to listen first and foremost. This is something I can certainly learn from. I don't have a lot to update except to say thank you for your continued prayers for Charlie. He feels them and appreciates them. Two things he was concerned about before traveling was the potential for homesickness and physical sickness. So far, he has not experienced either. Praise the Lord for his personal care.