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Tower of Babel Antithesis

Charlie was able to call last night after another very busy day. It was nice to hear his voice, and I could hear he was happy. In the background I heard a lot of Spanish speaking young men and a lot of laughter. (It did my mom heart good).

Not a lot to report except two stories of translation trials:

One of Charlie's classmates is from the Ukraine. Most of the other students first (and some only) language is Spanish. Even those who do understand English cannot understand her due to a strong accent. Charlie has been translating her English into a more American version. Cheers to teamwork!

One of Charlie's roommates was telling him about his family and said he has a brother who is a "sausage". Charlie laughed and asked what he meant. He said his brother is "the same as him", meaning he had a twin, but he thought the English word was sausage.

I am glad to know that these translation trials are bringing laughter, humility, and moments of bonding. I am thankful to know that regardless of where these students come from or what their language skills are, the Bible and love of God is a universal language. I can't help but think of how God used language barriers to scatter his people and now His people are coming together with a common purpose to serve him regardless of those barriers. Praise be to God!

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